Postcards from Muskoka


At the hotel, the postcards had only been black and white. At the store in Gravenhurst, the photographs were painted over. The water was dark blue, the sky light as a robin’s egg, the trees green as peas, the rocks like orange ices. Some of the postcards weren’t even of Muskoka—but of places Tiny had never been.

From Discretion, a novel-in-progress

On the weekend, I took another research trip to Gravenhurst, Ontario.


It was good to walk again where my characters do, especially now that I know more about where the story goes.

It was also a kick-off for a time of intense rewriting. So The Mimifesto today—and perhaps future summer editions—is postcard-style.

A collection of random things from the road.

Remembering wildflowers.

After several summers in Newfoundland—and one in Ontario, going round the block—I’d almost forgotten what might be in season.


“See, I want to use your house in a story…”

Taking pictures surreptitiously out of car windows, hoping not to have to explain.

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Can someone tell me why these lions, this elaborate fencing, here?

Or maybe, don’t. They’ve already inspired an embellishment for the gate at Soul’s Restthe house Dell grows up in.

But what’s behind the gates...?



Table for One.

I had lunch on a parking lot “patio,” and it was delicious. The hamburger, the cider, the poking around. A great refresh for this Novel Hermit.

Now, back to my desk…


Keeping Time

